Information Communication Technology, good governance, e-governance, Bhoomi, citizen centric administration, United Nations e-government survey 2022Abstract
Information communication and technology (ICT) has revolutionized the daily lives of citizens across the globe. The invention of technology like artificial intelligence, web 1.o to 5.0, chat bots, cloud technology, Internet of things, have changed the governance in public and private sector. Governments across the globe are adopting the e-governance approach to run the daily affairs of the country. The use of information communication technology has facilitated efficient delivery of public services. Digitization of public services has helped in establishing the trust towards the government. Improving the public administration and governance has become the topmost priority for the socio-economic development of the country. Internet has changed the traditional way of business working. The communication between the government, citizens and business is transformed with the use of ICT tools. E-governance is a step towards making the administration citizen-centric and revamping the delivery of public services. E-governance in financial sector helps in bringing economic prosperity by curbing the practice of giving bribe and remove corruption. E-governance has significantly impacted the communication between the citizens and administration.
This paper explores the concept, meaning, challenges of e-governance. The article points out the importance of e-governance and suggests various steps to make e-governance successful. Qualitative research method is followed in writing this article.
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