“Stupid if you are not in Gujarat[1]”these words of Ratan Tata to the investors indicates the importance Gujarat has achieved in Industrial progress. Strategies adopted to attract industries and new business by Gujarat is subject for research. one of its strategy related to industrial parks, Industrial Estate and Special Economic Zones(SEZs) is tried to explore in this paper.
In emerging competitive business world, strategy for locational advantages has entered into the new level of business and industrial planning which have brought many interesting perspective and frameworks at the region, industry and firm level. Seeing competitiveness from competence point of view, role of factors, internal as well external to the firms such as firm’s strategy, structures, competencies and capabilities, government assistance and other tangible resources lead to competitive success of a firm. This is acknowledged as Resource Based View towards competitiveness. Location decision of a firm is subject to researches and literature advocates that location can be a contributing factor to the competitiveness of a firm.
The impact of location on the firm performance has been the subject for research and Industrial Parks, Industrial Estates and special economic zones(SEZ), as a specialised location, have provided ease to use business location along with advance infrastructure and other facilities to enhance competitiveness at the regional level.
Industrial Parks, Estates and SEZs have emerged as a popular strategy adopted by various developing regions like as Gujarat to increase their trade competitiveness and to attract various Industries. The ever increasing competition has also put firms on a look out to find new methods and strategies to remain competitive and to survive in these turbulent periods of time.
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