Antioxidants, Deficiency, Vitamins.Abstract
The study focused on the benefits of vitamins and the diseases and health issues that come with their shortage. Vitamin deficits pose major health risks because they are essential for human health, growth, development, reproduction, and maintenance. Thirteen vitamins are real vitamins that can be divided into two categories: water soluble and fat soluble. Vitamins A, E, K, and D are fat soluble, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, and C are water soluble. Micronutrients are vital components that humans and other organisms require in variable amounts throughout their lives to coordinate a variety of physiological activities and maintain good health. Essential nutrients can’t be generated in humans or can’t be synthesised in significant levels, thus they have to be received from diet. These vitamins can be found in a variety of foods, including plant and animal sources. For good health and development, they must consume a balanced diet on a regular basis. Vitamin shortages are linked to major health issues, as well as delays in normal development and growth.
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