MSME, capital cost, employment, production, export, globalizationAbstract
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector has emerged as a extremely vivacious and dynamic sector of the Indian economy over the last five centuries. It subsidizes significantly in the economic and social development of the country by nurturing entrepreneurship and creating large employment openings at comparatively lower capital cost, next only to agriculture. In India, the MSME sector is highly heterogeneous and is involved in a extensive range of occupational activities. The MSME sector has to continue as an engine of growth provided an environment-friendly policy framework and enabling infrastructural support are made available for its functional operations. Our Indian MSMEs are having a great opportunity to contribute more for the country’s economic growth and government has got a great role in creating an absolute supporting ecosystem to gain the competitive advantage. The present study covers micro small medium enterprises pre and post globalization era. It also examines the number of MSMEs units, production, employment opportunities and export of MSME in the pre and post globalization period. The study is also important factors influencing to start the MSMEs. Also this study majorly focused on micro, small and medium enterprises located in industrial areas of Bihar state.. Various manufacturers, service providers, start-ups from the agriculture based, yarn textiles, Leather based, metal based, repair and services etc., and were interviewed as a part of the study. Simple random method was adopted from probability sampling method. Both primary and secondary data was collected for the study. There are huge openings for the MSMEs to grow as ancillary industries to unleash superior industrial growth. Development of the sector.
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