Ethiopia, fruit, Trade, StandardAbstract
'Standard' has become a commonly used word across all business sectors. The need for the highest quality of goods and services is steadily growing. Ethiopia can produce much fresh fruit and export it. However, trade standards are spreading around the world. It is become harder for developing countries to export goods to markets in developed nations. Fresh fruit export is a crucial industry with great potential for economic growth in the country. This study's primary goal is to assess the required fruit standards in the case of Ethiopia by looking at the country's fresh fruit exports. The information was collected from Ethiopian fresh fruit growers using a purposive sampling technique and a standardized questionnaire. Additionally, descriptive analysis and Pearson correlation were used to evaluate the data in SPSS. The study in Ethiopia's findings demonstrated that the quality requirements that producers adhere to and the quality standards that customers seek are not mutually exclusive. Producers believe they are maintaining the quality of fresh fruits by routine monitoring, using appropriate inputs, using best agricultural practices, and planting new fruit trees. The table indicates that fresh fruit growers have attempted to use the necessary inputs.
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