Philosophy, Perspective, NCFTE-2009, Humane TeacherAbstract
Learning is defined as the active reorganization of an existing pattern of meaning, while teaching is the achievement of shared sense in the context of educating. This conception of teaching-learning requires some elucidation. In a teaching moment, the teacher acts intentionally to change the meaning of the student's experience, using curriculum materials. It is as if the teacher and student were standing side by side, looking together at the curriculum. According to Jean Piaget, during the latter sensory-motor stage, the child experiences his world where he develops an understanding of object permanence of an object which exists, even if that object is not within the field of his vision (Singer & Revenson, 1996, p. 21). On the other hand, Vygotsky in his sociocultural theory of development opined that the learner learns through social interactions and their culture (Langford, 2005). Therefore, what is to be taught in classrooms should be decided remembering the environment of the learner, his needs, and what is better for him. This research paper helps to develop an understanding of the philosophical perspective of a National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education-2009.
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