Crime, Harassment, Rape, Scheduled Tribes, and WelfareAbstract
The paper discussed the crimes against scheduled tribes in states of eastern and central regions of India. It has found that highest incidences of crimes are recorded in Madhya Pradesh followed by Odisha and Chhattisgarh. West Bengal has the least incidences of crimes preceded by Bihar and Jharkhand. Incidences of murder, simple hurt, grievous hurt, assault on women, sexual harassment, voyeurism, stalking, assault of children, kidnapping and abduction, rape of women, rape of children, rioting are highest in Madhya Pradesh. The incidences of attempt to commit murder, and assault or use of criminal force on women with intent to disrobe are highest in Odisha. Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh has the incidences of missing children deemed as kidnapped. The incidences of attempt to commit rape is highest in West Bengal followed by Chhattisgarh. There are incidences of robbery in Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. The incidences of Dacoity is highest in Chhattisgarh followed by Madhya Pradesh and Odisha. There are no incidences of Dacoity with murder in any state. Therefore, Governments of the concern states should strictly implement policies for reducing crimes against scheduled tribes.
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