Governance, Good governance, UNDP, World Bank, Citizen centric administrationAbstract
It is argued by academicians, political leaderships, developmental experts, civil society members, non-governmental organizations that good governance is the good conduct of the government. Governance is a concept that includes the phenomena from varied discipline. This makes the approach and study of good governance interdisciplinary. Good governance analysis needs an integrated view. Good governance being interdisciplinary in nature, includes many elements thus posing challenges for the governance to fulfil the citizens expectations. Good governance approach should set its priorities for the developed countries and underdeveloped and developing countries. Good governance is seen as an approach that relies on various factors which help in achieving social justice. In the good governance, working of the public sector is important. Delivery of services by the public sector helps in restoring the trust in the government. Introduction of Web 2.0 has expedited the good governance process and reformed the administrative working.
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