Plastic pollution, Plant-based cutlery, Environment pollutionAbstract
Our environment is getting polluted day by day, from the past few years. There has been significant amount of air, soil, water & noise pollution in recent decades. Ozone layer is getting depleted, that affects environment and all living organisms. Plastic pollution plays major role in getting soil polluted, that leads to less nutrient efficiency in vegetation grown in that particular soil. Plastic takes approximately 20 to 500 years to degrade. Cutleries made from plastic such as straws, spoons, forks, cups, plates & containers takes years to decompose and harm soil, environment, water as well as living organisms. We can use cutleries made from metals like copper, silver, steel etc. But if we consider our fast food eating habits, eating out at in the streets or junk food takeouts and something that complements our modern lifestyle, we can definitely use biodegradable cutleries. There are many plant-based options and alternative to traditional plastic cutlery. There are many parts and religions in India that focuses on eating in Musa paradisiaca plants’ leaves (mainly in southern region of India) and in ancient times our ancestors used to make plates from Butea monosperma dried leaves. Plants & materials used for creating plant-based cutleries are discussed vividly in this paper. Many researchers and scientists have worked toward contemplating this global issue, that is mentioned in this paper as well.
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